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Fair Funerals Pledge



At Perry Jones Funeral Services, we recognise that funerals can be expensive, and many people struggle with the cost.  We have signed the Fair Funerals Pledge, which means we are transparent about all our costings and we display these prices both on line and in our funeral offices and communicate them in initial conversations. The Fair Funerals pledge was launched by anti-poverty charity Quaker Social Action who run Down to Earth, a project supporting people on benefits and low incomes who are struggling with funeral costs. Down to Earth also works with government, charities and the funeral profession to tackle the growing problem of funeral poverty.


By signing the Fair Funerals pledge 2021, we have become part of a community of funeral directors who agree to put transparency and honesty at the centre of their work, and who aspire to be the change we all want to see within the funeral industry.


When funeral directors sign the Fair Funerals pledge, they’re committing:


1) To help people to find funerals that are within their means


2) To be open about the price of our services, including third party costs:

  • In initial conversations

  • Within our price lists

  • On our website


3) To be open about the amount of any deposit we require, and when this and the final balance are due:

  • In initial conversations

  • Within our price lists

  • On our website


Over the years we strive to break down the taboos surrounding death and dying and we are proud to be leading the way to help tackle this problem. We have experienced first-hand families who are at risk of getting into debt when they take on the responsibility for arranging a funeral but equally no one should have to go through the distress of not being able to afford a decent funeral for someone they love.


People can find it hard to discuss money, but we are here to help and offer alternative options and assist in the best way that we can while still providing a personal and respectable funeral for a loved one.


If you would like to discuss funeral costs or learn more about pre-planning a funeral, please contact us.

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